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Walking by Faith: Keep on Walking Continued
“Follow all the directions the Lord has given you. Then life will go well for you…” Deut. 5:33 Why does it hurt sometimes after we obey God? “Obeying God’s principals is a demonstration of faith” 4 actions to walk in Faith 1.IN FAITH, OBEY HIM QUICKLY Psalm 119:32 “I will quickly obey Your commands. … Without delay I hurry to obey Your commands 2.IN FAITH, OBEY HIM COMPLETELY Psalm 119 :4 says, “Lord, You gave Your orders to be obeyed…
Walking in Faith: Keep on Walking
“We have around us manypeople whose lives tell us whatfaith means. So let us run therace that is before us and nevergive up…” Hebrews 12:1 1. Don’t play with things that distract you 2. Remember why you’re walking 3. Let Jesus really take your wheel Today
ICC 20th Anniversary Service: A Thankful Heart
“I thank God for you whenever I think ofyou because we have worked together forthe gospel from the first day until thepresent. I’m confident that He whobegan a good work in you will go ondeveloping it until the day of JesusChrist.” Philippians 1:3 1. I thank God for your love. 2. I thank God for your flexibility “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 “I press on to take hold of that for which…
Aiming for Growth in Me: The Process
“An intelligent person aimsat wise actions, but a foolstarts off in manydirections.” Prov. 17:24 1. Assume Responsibility for My Life 2. Believe with God’s Help I Can Change 3. Clarify what Is and Isn’t Important DON’T WAIT TO BEGIN! 4 QUESTIONS THAT CAN BRING GROWTH “Jesus grew in wisdomand in stature, and in favorwith God and favor withmen.” Luke 2:52 “Your strength mustcome from the Lord’smighty power withinyou.” Eph. 6:10 “When Christ died, He died todefeat the power of sin…[Now]…
Surprised by a Baby
December 18th, 2022 Angels: “You’ll find the baby… lying in amanger.” Shepherds: “Let’s go and see!” Luke 2:12+25 “Wise men came from the eastasking, `Where is the baby…?We have come to worshipHIM.” Mattthew 2:1-2 “Seek and YOUwill find” Matthew 7:7 1.BECAUSE OF BABY JESUS WE CAN RECEIVE FORGIVENESS 2.BECAUSE OF BABY JESUS WE CAN HAVE PEACE OF MIND 3.BECAUSE OF BABY JESUS WE CAN FIND ETERNAL LIFE
Surprised By the Gift of Joy
December 11th, 2022 “Always be joyful.” I Thessalonians 5:16 3 Ways To Live Out The Surprise 1. Listen and respond to the good news. 2. Do What God Says: 3. Spread the Joy
Sharing Your Hope Should Come as No Surprise
November 27th, 2022 “But in your hearts honor Christ theLord as holy, always being preparedto make a defense to anyone whoasks you for a reason for the hopethat is in you; yet do it withgentleness and respect” I Peter 3:15 4 Truths To Sharing What You Have 120 years of sharing from Noah’s Zooproduced (0) converts
Experiencing God: You Can Trust Him
Developing Trust in any relationship The person you’re going to trust must tell you the truth. The person must be fair, they must do what’s right, just. The person must be reliable and dependable if you’re going to develop a relationship of trust “For the word of the Lord is right and true. He is faithful in all He does” Psalm 33:4 3 things God can’t do God cannot do wrong. God cannot lie. God cannot break a promise “Not…
Experiencing God: God is So Big
“Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything.” I Chronicles 29:11 Sovereignty: God is in control “GOD IS SO BIG” What does that mean for me? 1.Because God is big, He is in control of my journeys “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21 2. Because God is big, He is in control…