Let’s Talk about Worship Part II: Worship or Worry

Let’s Talk about Worship Part II: Worship or Worry

“Don’t worry about anything.
Instead pray about everything.
Tell God what you need and
thank Him for all He has done.”

Philippians 4

J-Phat deals with Stress and Worry:

A: You Ask God for help. When I do this I worship Him Not me

  • Your problem is not fear. Your problem is what you do with it. Then You ask “God what do You want me to do? Not only did Jehoshaphat pray when he was overwhelmed but he got other people to pray.

B: Believe God can handle your situation. Worship him, not your resources

  • First, I remind myself of who God is. That’s the first thing I do in my prayer. In my prayer I focus on His strength and His character and how big God is. There’s nothing too big for Him.
  • Second, I remind myself of what God’s done. He recalls times in the past when God has helped other eople and even times when God has helped him. Jehoshaphat’s prayer talks about

C: Confess your inadequacy

  • Confession is just telling God what He already knows. God’s never going to force Himself on you.
  • “ Jehoshaphat prayed, ‘We don’t know what to do but we are looking for Your help. All the men stood before the Lord with their little ones [that’s babies] and their wives and their children.” 1 Chronicles 20

D: Depend on God to save me.

  • WORSHIP and Display His Power
  • Vs 15 “This is what the Lord says to you. ‘Don’t be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army, these things that are pilling up against you for the battle is not yours but God’s.’ THE BATTLE IS THE LORDS
  • Verse 17.“You won’t need to fight in this battle] Just stand strong in your places. [In other words, sit down and shut up. Stand strong in your places…] and you will see the Lord save you.”

E: Express thanks to God in advance.

  • Then the king those men to be singers to the Lord He chose men to be singers to the Lord, to praise Him because He is holy and wonderful and as they marched in front of the army they said, ‘Thank You Lord. Thank the Lord because His love continues forever.’” WHAT?

Effect of worship

  • V22. “At that moment the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir to begin fighting among themselves and they destroyed each other

F: Find the blessing in the bad.

  • Vs 24When the army of Judah arrived at the lookout point in the wilderness there was dead bodies laying on the ground as far as they could see King Jehoshaphat and his men went out to gather the plunder and they found vast amounts of equipment and clothing and other valuables more than they could carry away. In fact there was so much plunder it took them three days just to carry it off. [On the fourth day
  • everyone gathered in the Valley of Blessing which got its name that day because the people praised and thanked the Lord there.”


  • God loves to pour His power into people who will say I need You.
  • God loves to pour His blessing and power into people who choose to worship instead of worry.


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